We value connectedness at CBC! Our desire is to see our students connected to God and connected to one another. We believe that teenagers grow and spiritually develop as God has designed when they are rightly connected to Him and with those who are joined with them in pursuing and experiencing Jesus as a lifestyle.
Connected Student Ministries seeks to partner with more and more youth to bless as many young lives as possible! We are determined to connect each student to multiple spiritual growth opportunities at CBC. Student years can be amazing years. Together we will explore this exciting stage of life, we will grasp important opportunities for growth and join together for praise, discipleship, and just plain fun. We believe that each student is valuable and that God’s hope, love, and grace should be and must be extended to everyone.
Get involved in Connected Student Ministries and discover what God has in store for you and many others in Wilcox County and beyond!

Camden Connected Students Meet Wednesday Nights at 6:30pm upstairs in the Youth Room!